Reading Club – CONA
Web Performance – En ligne et in situ.
Cona, institute for contemporary arts processing, 7.04.2014
Archives de la performance :

Annonce de l’événement
(English version below)
ReadingClub (spletni performans)
Ponedeljek, 7. april 2014 ob 21.00 uri in (zvočna podoba)
Vsekakor dogodek ni samo o branju. Še manj je branje samo. Je relacija, igra, interpretacija, dialog, … Je poskus nekega sobivanja, ki se vzpostavi med akterji v virtualnem prostoru. »Je dogodek, ki vodi v skupisko soustvarjanje teksta na podlagi individualnega branja znotraj branega teskta«.
Bralci: Anna Fritz, BridA, Andrej Hrvatin, Aleksandra Gruden
Avdio in stream v živo Brane Zorman
Besedilo: Laurie Anderson (besedilo bo objavljeno ob začetku performansa)
Produkcija Annie Abrahams in Emmanuel Guez, koprodukcija CONA
Annie Abrahams: It is not about the project it is about the relation (artists talk)
Torek, 8. april 2014 ob 19.00 uri
Trubarjeva hiša literature, Ljubljana
… kjer bo pozornost usmerjena k umetnici … in od koder bo mogoče pobliže spoznati tudi njeno razumevanje odnosov, povezav, estetike pozornosti in zaupanja…
ReadingClub (on line performance)
Monday, April 7, 2014 at 9.00pm (CET) (on-line performance) and (audio stream).
The project proposes a text and an interpretive arena to four readers. This means that it is not an event on or about reading, but it is more than it. It is about relation, (mis) interpretation, dialogue … A try out of particular coLiving metween the four in a virtual space. It “is a space for collective writing, which also draws the reader into an intertextual « battle »”
Readers: Anna Fritz, BridA, Aleksandra Gruden, Andrej Hrvatin
Live sound stream by Brane Zorman
Text: Laurie Anderson
Produced by Annie Abrahams and Emmanuel Guez, coproduced by Cona
Annie Abrahams: It is not about the project it is about the relation (artists talk)
Tuesday, April 8 2014, 7.00pm (CET)
Trubarjeva hiša literature, Ljubljana, Slovenia
… this time with the focus on the artist herself … and through which some you will be able to get to know better her own meaning of relations, aesthetics of attention and trust …