What are NFTs?

[en. version only] « What are NFTs » is a text published on Twitter from January 28 to December 27, 2022. Written in connection with the project Photo_ID. Thread composed of one tweet per day.


33 – Randomness? – #NFTs #recursitivism #twitterism
34 – Translation or transition? #NFTs #PostGenderism #CryptoPolyIdentitism
35 – Exhaustion? – #NFTs #IDDrop #AttemptAtExhausting
36 – Date shot? @On_Kawara #NFTs #OhMyGAN feat. #OhMyBot
37 – Repeatism? #NFTs #blockchain #NFTiming
38 – Obsession? #NFTs #PostConceptualArt #Numbers
39 – Thread? #NFTs #StillAlivism #NFTCommunity
40 – Unbridled promotion? #NFTs #NFTCommunity #NonFungibleTelegram
41 – Never be late! #NFTs #timestamp #waitingtoconnect
42 – Image or camera? #NFTs #blockchainAsCCTV #worldrecording
43 – Chaotic Monday #NFTs #countdown #Crypto
44 – Not a face, just math? #NFTs #NeuralComputing #MachineLearning
45 – Punk? #NFTs #punkism #serialpunkte
46 – Scaremongering poetry? #NFTs #nftalertism #dropchallenge
47 – # # #
48 – Red pill? #NFTs #digitalculturism #nftasamartialart
​​49 – In figures and letters? #NFTs #SundayMorning #engravedpics
50 – Glitched #NFTs #glitchism #iridescentcollectible
51 – Happening? #NFTs #tezosactionism #21thcenturyArt
52 – Digital surgery? #NFTs #artsplastiques #newneoplasticism
53 – Pet shop? #NFTs #apism #boredartcoreclub
54 – Do @ParisHilton and @neymarjr like my art? #NFTs #NFTinfluencerism #LuckyArt cœurrouge trèfleàquatrefeuilles
55 – Is an unsaleable NFT still an NFT?  #NFTs #NFTasMedium #DigitalArt
56 – Handcrafted and/or computer-generated (and/or culture-generated)? #NFTs #neoserialism #postseasonism
57 – Cancel tweet? #NFTs #unburnable #indecisivenessism
58 – A tweet for a trit? #NFTs #specialdate #Crypto
59 – .jpg .png .gif or protocol chain hash? #NFTs #tezos #SmartContracts
60 – No words #face #skull #death
61 – Tags? #NFTs #ganism #selfportraitism
62 – Pokémon? #NFTs #soldout #néocardism
63 – Matrix? #NFTs #phonebooth #artofexit
64 – Gas Art? #NFTs #DCE #DAO
65 – Art of trends? #NFTs #dogs #lizards #owls
66 – Goggles? #NFTs #concealism #contra-googlism
67 – 0.001397? #NFTs #bakerfee #dropshadow
68 – 0.0875? #NFTs #storagefee #paypershow
69 – Time bet? #NFTs #Block217156 #10:41:54PM
70 – A Throw of the Dice? #NFTs #12.8px_”SourceSansPro”_sans-serif #15px_TwitterChirp
71 – Art risk? Art risk is the possibility of losing money through your practice. #NFTs #tezos rate #ethereum rate
72 – Ethereum rate? – I have shot back to Paris! (Quite at ease, laughing, dusting himself, bowing): Come–pardon me–by the last water-spout, Covered with ether,–accident of travel! #NFTs #AccidentOfTravel #JaiVoyagé
73 – Stories? All artistic productions could be summarized as stories. But, sometimes, some stories write history because the writing machines have found interest in them for themselves. #NFTs #writingmachines #History
74 – Digital Artwork? Juste une archive. #NFTs #digitalartwork #archive
75 – unarchive oneself? #NFTs #dropping #LearningToFadeAway
76 – Signature? #NFTs # #copytoclipboard_ism #walletaddress_ism
77 – Time of art? #NFTs #indexingtoken #uploadingdatatoIPFS #waitingforblockchainconfirmation
78 – Conceptual? #NFTs #oops! #something went wrong!
79 – New? Why do we prefer novelty to obstinacy? #NFTs #updatism #certifiedart
80 – Off the grid? #NFTs #twitter touch-up #makeover
81 – Smart? Tezos vs Aether #NFTs #michelson #morley
[Re: Yesterday]
82 – Because I’m worth it? #NFTS (#)empowerment #art_rejuvenation
[Re: Yesterday]
83 – Déjà-vu? #NFTs #déjà-entendu #cryptomnesia?
84 – Patience? #NFTs #LoadingMetadataInfo #PleaseBePatient
85 – Community? #NFTs #human_bots #both_humans
86 – What’s that about? #NFTs #speculative #mindset
87 – Invitations? _1/3 #NFTs #FromBroodthaers #ToMallarmé
[Re: composition for 7 profile pictures and three languages]
88 – Slender Man? #NFTs #CryptoPasta #TimeWrap @CatarinaBassot1 – Ambre Charpier – @LacurieO
89 – Jeu? #NFTs #PNG #PNJ
90 – Put the tags in the correct order. #digitalArt #NFTs #synthesis #conceptualArt
91 – Daylight Time? #NFTs #The Times They Are a-Changin’
92 – 1, 2, 3… #NFTs #Operator! #I need an exit – fast!
93 – @objktcom #NFTs #Object Oriented Ontology #Object-oriented programming
94 – Bees? #NFTs #Reaversism #SwarmArt
95 – Anti-Give-Away #30210 #NFTs #Unlisted #Unsold
[Re: Yesterday – 30210th #unsold #NFTs]
96 – Art of spending? #NFTs #PotlatchArt #giveawayism
97 – Art of pending? #NFTs #OpFiberArt #Mempoolism
98 – Art of ending? #Dong #KeyArt #NFTism
99 – Day after day… #NFTs #Dasunheimliche #Valley
[Re: tz1burnburnburnburnburnburnburjAYjjX #burntoken #burnout]
100 – Photo_ID #100 is now #100 #NFTs
101 – Penny Black? #NFTs #Philately #engraving #enciphering 
102 – Tête-Bêche #NFTs #Philately # #baselitzism
103 – Error of Colour #NFTs #Philately #C1C3C57
104 – Marianne #NFTs #QuantumStamps #Philately
105 – Waves? #NFTs #Cistercian #Metaverse
106 – Eternal Prosperity? [Ur on time sweety ] #NFTs #Temple #Showcase
107 – Worthwhile opportunity? #NFTs #ANewFace #AnAuction
108 – Pass? #NFTs #Face #Blockchain
109 – Go Canny! #NFTs #DIS #JustDropIt
110 – # # #
111 – Trick or tweet? #NFTs #Trinity #TripleOne
112 – Jpeg’s aura? #NFTs #singularity
113 – Resurrection? #NFTs #targetgoal #Commmmunity
114 – Head in the Cloud #NFTs #SurrealNFT #Post-magrittism
115 – Tu veux ma photo? #NFTs #Shroudism # Post-Selfie-Iconism
116 – Invisible? #NFTs #PostHuxleyExhibitionism #TheDeathOfTheAuthor
117 – Crypto names #NFTs #akaism #Cryptonamism
118 – Artificial Intelligence? #NFTs #OrganismGenerator #bodygan #gumism
119 – Machine Learning? #NFTs #artoffeeding #artofchoosing
120 – Vanishing Point #NFTs #DigitalArtPreservation #Archivism
121 – Details – Actions – Owners #NFTs #ArtInTheory #ArtAsPraxis
122 – Fiber Optic Postcard. Cabina Telefonica da Brescia. #NFTs #RuinStickers #Panini
123 – open block explorer #NFTs #mcluhanism #explorationism
124 – Timestamp? #NFTs #DesignOfTime #TimeIsCrypto
125 – Unique? – homeowner’s dream. #NFTs #monadism
126 – Unique? – ce jour est unique. #NFTS #1ermai
127 – Unique? – ones / zeros. #NFTs #code
128 – Unique? – over 11 million NFTs in existence. #NFTs #artforthemasses #benjaminism
129 – Unique? – a new day, 3200 new NFTs – il rovesciamento dell’egemonia culturale. #NFTs #ArtisticClassConsciousness #gramscism
130 – Unique? – das Außersichtweitenachkaufkunstwerk #NFTs #hiddenfetish
131 – Binary? – from binary computers to non-binary genders. #NFTs #mediagenderhistory #medialinkology
132 – erotic metaverse #NFTs #DesireForFollowers #pornprofile
133 – save as… #NFTs #artoffile #Dateikunst
134 – Rename… #NFTs #theartofgivingachancetosurvive #thefilemustgoon
135 – Place Embedded #NFTs #prepareasNFT #newembeddism
136 – Load Selection #NFTs #serialminterism #genform
137 – Copy and Paste #NFTs #post #readymade #digitalart
138 – New… #NFTs #upcomingism #genavatar
139 – Drag & Drop #NFTs #uploadism #uploadingart
140 – Password Unlock – 3333 tweets – OMG! #NFTs #PrankArt #Sélavy
141 – When it’s ready #NFTs #Mint #toolateforteatime
142 – Confirm operations #NFTs #tezosrate #tezosarte
143 – Gas fee: 0.002053 tz ($ 0.01) – Storage fee (max): 0.0875 tz ($ 0.17) – Adjust storage limit: 350 #NFTs #makelove #notwar
144 – Account – Network – Operations #NFTs #trinity #postneoplatonism
145 – 👁️ Prev Raw # Bytes #NFTs #operationism #prepostdigitalart
146 – Homemade web3 generative image #NFTs #dayafterday #E10Z_AI
147 – Request sent to… #NFTs #requestsoperationstoyou #walletart
148 – Interaction with #KT1Aq4w… #NFTs #HeyYouDontWatchThat
149 – No metaverse for old men #NFTs #Web3 #WatchThis
150 – Transformations #NFTs #banishedfromrome #neoovidism
151 – The Laugh #NFTs #neocryptofuturism #screenshotism
152 – New Photophone Booth – From Bell to Apple (a.k.a The Laughing Man) #NFTs #PhotoBooth #PhoneBooth
153 – The call of art #NFTs #waitingbooth #decentralizedvoice
154 – Successfully submitted operation #NFTs #fallbackmode #bluesky
155 – Activity ↗ view from block explorer ↓ #NFTs #transferfrom #applied4minutesago
156 – Interstellar journey #NFTs #clicktosee #IPFS
157 – Hoping that it works #NFTs #abortedbytheuser #oopsism
158 – Just an image #NFTs #actofcollecting #withoutmaterials #exceptacomputerandanetwork
159 – Tired of typing #NFTs ? #paintingthetime #theartofholdingon
160 – Art form? #NFTs #platformism #newdigitalformalism
161 – Pandemic art? #NFTs #airborneparticles #droplets
162 – Value? #NFTs #6x6DayOrMore #randomvalue
163 – Critic? #NFTs #twitteranddiscord #chatterism
164 – Stocks? #NFTs #ArtAsceticism #Smallbitsofart
165 – Future of Art? #NFTs #Cryptofuelism #Gasfee
166 – Ultimate #NFTs #CaBi #Master #Card
167 – Anthropomorphism #NFTs #RobotsTVSeries #DéjàVu
168 – Helperism #NFTs #AIHelpers #NFTHelpers #ArtHelpers
the reign of the helpers
169 – To my twitter bot friends #NFTs #Promote #Your #Conatus
170 – I thought Trinity was human #AI and #NFTs #Make #PeopleTalk
171 – Be authentic! #NFTs #Make #People #Happy #OrNot
172 – So many more to go! #NFTs #Make #People #Tired #OrNot
173 – Issue has been fixed! #NFTs #Make #People #Clever #OrNot
174 – Does it bother you? #NFTs #Art #WithoutIntermediary
175 – See New? #NFTs
176 – Allô no but allô what? #NFTs #DoYouReadMe? #Shampooism
177 – Cryptos keep you young #NFTs #MintYourself #BeEnefteefied
178 – Chained or wired? #NFTs #BlockchainAsSocialNetwork
179 – bot at chattanooga? #NFTs #Santiag #Nuage
180 – Fear of missing out #AmongMillionsOf #NFTs #fomoism
181 – Avant-Garde or kitsch? Both #NFTs
182 – Watch out for bears #NFTs #FUD #BTFD
183 – 50% uploaded. – thx to @ …
184 – I fashion my future on films in space #NFTs #LetTheSunshineIn #SunglassesSerie​​
185 – Sensorium remix #NFTs #People in the Sun #SunglassesSerie
186 – With the glass so dark they won’t even know your name #NFTs #CheapSunglasses #SunglassesSerie​​
187 – Ghost? #NFTs #GhostImage #SunglassesSerie
188 – A Morse Code Series? #NFTs #Cipherism
189 – Are NFTs miniatures ? #NFTs #Miniaturism #PostIlluminati
190 – If the NFT is a miniature, of which manuscript is it the illustration? #LesTrèsRichesHeuresDesDAOsOnTezos
191 – If the NFT is a miniature, where are the margins and marginalia? #NFTs -1
192 – Codex Gigas Effects #BurnedNFTs #FailedNFTs #CedexError
193 – Are the metadata the new marginalia? #NFTs #Properties
194 – How many motherboards are needed to make an NFT? #NFTs #ForbiddenCity #ProtectedMode
195 – With new scriptoria come new monks #NFTs #ComputerCluster #CistercianNetworkNodes
196 – Pittura Grottesca #NFTs #DYORgoggles #cryptodrollerism
197 – vow of silence #NFTs
198 – Stop meta, and meta-art too #NFTs #explicitism #postneopiperism
199 – I don’t really want to stop the show #NFTs #SgtPepper #minted
200 – The end of the cancellation #NFTs #twohundredandfirst #failederasure
201 – The end of invisible deletion #NFTs #biffurism #XXXXXXXX
202 – Isn’t Blockchain more of a manuscript than a printed register? #NFTs #Registerism
203 – Shlomit on vacation #NFTs #AFlatHeadOnATray #NFTSummit
204 – Photo Id – Selfie – Superselfie #NFTs #neofreudism #3rdTopography
205 – IA is to surrealism what NFT is to dadaism #NFTs #neosurrealism #neodadaism
RE: choose what side you are on
206 – The Venetian trio: Titian vs Tintoretto via Veronese or Contemporary Art vs Digital Art via #NFT
207 – Special issue on http://typed.art 7372# By TrademarX /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Crypto Artists of The World _ Unite!
#NFTs #NFTMarketplace #Trademarkism
208 –
AND trademarkism
sustainable hybridism
OR trademarxism
209 – Trashartism? #NFTs #CollabWithCZhD #TributetoRobness #Teztrash
210 – Is an (crypto-)artist who does not sell anything still an (crypto-artist) ? #NFTs #ArtandMoney
211 – Is a (crypto-)artist who does not list anything still a (crypto)-artist? #NFTs #ListArt #Listism
212 – Hundred Thousand Billion Self-Portraits #NFTs #ArtOfChoice
213 – Botphone? #NFTs #NewPayphone #NonFungibleTalk
214 – Why should an artist who (eventually) makes money with #NFTs not be an artist? #QuestionToTheNonNFTsArtCommunity #ILoveYouNevertheless
215 – Sublime? #NonFungibleTaken #BoundlessnessBlocks
216 – Nothing to declare #NFTs
217 – 1 to 1 #SingleUse #NFTs
218 – Slowly turns into paint #NFTs #Photo_ID
219 – Democratizing? #NFTs #Nftism
220 – So many works of the Venice Biennale remind me of #NFTs #de-hierarchization? #generalizationOfPop?
221 – Art – Law – Machines #NFTs #Smart contracts
222 – Fall – Crash – Down #NFTs #Collapsologism
223 – Compression – Communication – Consumption #NFTs #3c
224 – Always look at the reflection #NFTs #SometimesYouWillSeeAnAnimal
225 – Law (i.e Code) / \ Faith #NFTs #Cryptomysticism
226 – GAN with a pearl earring #NFTs #vermeerism
227 – Always look through the (looking) glasses #NFTs #SometimesYouWillSeeSortOfEyesOrNot
228 – Attributes? #NFTs #bufferism #technovampirism
229 – none #NFTs
230 – Pure opacity? #NFTs #alienphobia
231 – L’art pour l’art #NFTs #NeoArchaicPeriod
232 – Winter? #NFTs #TooMuchSunshine #TheChannelChangesView
233 – A new church? #NFTs #WhatWillBeTheNextBlasphemy
234 – A new king and queen every other day #NFTs #EmperorOfTheBlocks
235 – Upcycling? #NFTs #ASCIIArt #CreativeCoding #GlitchArt #GenerativeArt #usw
236 – Downcycling? #NFTs #ASCIIArt #CreativeCoding #GlitchArt #GenerativeArt #usw
237 – Reversed? #NFTs #property #vs #experience #?
238 – Readymade? #NFTs #values #vs #material #?
239 – Ad? #NFTs #ArtToPopularizeCryptos #ArtToPopularizeGod #ArtToPopularizePolitics #etc.
240 – Compression #NFTs #CesarsBlock #NeoGlitchHopNerdism
241 – Que, dans l’oubli fermé par le cadre, se fixe #NFTs #UneID #Licornism
242 – Conceptual bits #NFTs #digital-daily-work #neo-manierism
243 – Hardware Rhapsody #NFTs #AuthorFeatBlockchain
244 – Media Stickers #NFTs #Telefonfülke #MediaArchaeology
245 – The end of sunglasses #NFTs #AttributesAlsoDie
246 – Software Symphony #NFTs #BlockchainFeatAuthor
247 – Red Hat on Black Blackground #NFTs #Literalism
248 – Time is back on! #NFTs #BlockchainAsRealSocialNetwork
249 – Every Day: Difference and Repetition #NFTs #NeoPostDeleuzism
250 – Waiting For The Merge #NFTs #Godotism
251 – Mondrian Style #NFTs #CryptoModernism
252 – Beware of human bias when evaluating AI #NFTs #Biasism
253 – Art of gathering #NFTs #GenerativeGatherism
254 – Liquide #JNFs #CryptoT1000
255 – Caps TYPE #NFTs #HumanAllTooHuman
256 – Profile for picture #NFTs #neoIdentificationismoPictorialism
257 – daily curation #NFTs #Chaotic #Unbreakable #Metareflections
258 – Twilight Zone #NFTs #TTD #04042424
259 – Media competition #NFTs #TTD #03020810
260 – Soon The Merge – Be prompt – Be the first #NFTs #Dibs #promptism
261 – Just one more #NFTs #TTD #01013515
262 – To Burn is not to destroy #NFTs #CryptoTranslate
263 – Timestamp #NFTs #MagicalHackerism
264 – [about yesterday] Time is relative – even on the blockchains #NFTs #PermanentJetLag
265 – No Tag Day #NFTs #Neonoism
266 – Fork or Merge? Go figure! #NFTs #MediumnicAnalysis #EtherScience
267 – Époque dantesque #NFTs #opalkoKawarianFailure
268 – Conversation avec mon mème #NFTs #memism
269 – The diffrancis back on #NFTs #ArtificialIntelligence
270 – Promptness – Randomness – Fragmentation #NFTs #Joyceism
271 – New Gan On The Block #NFTs #NGOTB
272 – The PNG that you will never own #NFTs #AlwaysReadTheLicense #PublicDomain
273 – Regarding #NFTs, art is not where you think it is. #ThroughTheLookingScreen
274 – Academic alternative #NFTs #Interfaces / #Surfaces
275 – In your hands #NFT #ObjetÀPenser
276 – Imperium Enefti #NovumGallicumTactus #LoremIpsumism
277 – Enefti = To be Removed (by Google Translate) #eneftism
278 – k-pop elfic #NFT #GanoKpopisticArt #EsLiegtInIhrenHänden
279 – Talkin’ ‘Bout #NFTs #ReportingBug
280 – Blueprint #NFTs #1191 #1531 #144
281 – Blue spot #NFTs Bluechipism
282 – Blue Time #NFTs #CryptoNightFever
283 – Green Time #NFTs #Renewism
284 – Tired analog photography #NFTs #revivalism
285 – Aigenic Gold #NFTs #MeltingPoint
286 – Portrait With A Silver Pearl #NFTs #SilverAge
287 – NFTs foundry #deconstruction
288 – Hype? #NFTs #MantraCycle
289 – Earring Surgery #NFTs #Bluevelvetism
290 – Exalted? #NFTs #75DaysToGo
291 – In the World? #NFTs #GlobalCryptoVillage
292 – May They? #NFTs #CryptoBeingdom
293 – And May Their? #NFTs #PearlEarringTronism
294 – During Your Lifetime? #NFTs #PortraitOfAYoung (human)
295 – And During the Lifetimes? #NFTs #StudyOfPearlEarrings
296 – Speedily and very soon? #NFTs #TheEndIsNear
297 – May Their Great Name? #NFTs #AndSoIFac
298 – For Ever? #NFTs #TheFinalCurtain
299 – Blessed? #NFTs #ForAMissingQuestionMark
300 – Extolled? #NFTs #ArtOfNumbers
301 – Be the name? #NFTs #ArtOfNames
302 – Above and Beyond? #NFTs #ArtOfResearch
303 – Hymns? #NFTs #ArtOfLanguages
Re: Oops! Something went wrong.
304 – That are uttered in the world! #NFTS #WhiteBeardedMan
305 – Disruptive comedy? #NFTs #OldMasters #AlteMeister
306 – In the world that will be renewed, #StrangeNowToThinkOfYou
307 – And will give life to the dead, #TheRhythmTheRhythm
308 – And raise up, #DreamingBackThruLife
309 – And rebuild, #LookingBackOnTheMindItself
310 – And complete, #LikeAPoemInTheDark
311 – And remove, #NoMoreToSay
312 – And restore, #ItLeapsAboutMe
313 – And reign, #ThenStrugglingInTheCrowds
314 – In the splendour, #TowardEducation
315 – departure,
dark apparition,
feigned piety,
in my mother’s arms,
precipice of void,
last supper,
the chair,
psychic alignment circuit,
316 – Recording bird songs #NFTs
317 – { } in extremis
318 – un énième document sur le temps ?
319 – jour après jour__ un visage neuf,
320 – un nom voisin,
321 – un nombre unique,
322 – une date,
323 – une cabine téléphonique,
324 – pour appeler les morts,
325 (regd. 324) – à double titre,
(tag: au 1965,)
326 – au 1966,
327 – une dernière déclaration
328 – {silence} et puis s’en va peindre
329 – la fenêtre.
330 – Like a diary planner #NFTs #EndOfDigression
331 – Ça se précise. Comme une fenêtre sur le temps. #NFTs
332 – Les #NFTs créent l’occasion d’un rendez-vous. #Occasionnalisme
333 – Token the well-named, a script designed for commerce, i.e. for communication. #33333
334 –
335 – À toutes les cabines disparues. #twitterism #discordism
336 – The last payphone #NFTs #PayphonePoetry
337 – On poétise, on se lit, on se lie #NFTs #Ode des chaleurs électroniques
338 – Le NFT est sublime : it makes people talk.
339 – L’art du #NFT est un art rhyparographique.
340 – Trash, skulls, potatoes,
341 – bugs, lizards, hypnotic beings,
342 – entire databases of crap,
343 – or entire databases of shit.
344 – ID / IP ou Interportraiturité Passive #NFTs
345 – Title, Description, Editions, Tags, Attributes, Collection – Author?
346 – Une monade ? #Genesis #NFTs
347 – Nothing obvious about copyright. #NFTs #Monadology
348 – #NFTs are liquid and mineral beings that are transmitted by droplets.
349 – The #NFT is a virus containing all the information about the state of all the others.
350 – From table to table, #cryptic and #enciphered, #timestamped and #signed.
351 -.From trace to trace, the #animalcrossing expands. #NFTs
352 – An eternal memory responding to the desire for immortality
353 – A (collective) #peer-to-peer consciousness.
354 – The end? The inscription of inscriptions or the monad of monads.
355 – Keep it light! #NFTs #Doomerism
356 – #NFTs #Cataclysmism Gardez la tête froide !
357 – Can cause seizures ! #NFTs
358 – Potentially disturbing subject matter #NFTs
359 – Can cause headaches #NFTs
360 – New #day, New #face, Same #name?
Re: Burned 5 times.
Re: Burned 6 times.
361 – A dial log for a daily log #&Inversement #ADailyChainDiary
362 – Ceci est a diary and an absurdist comedy #NFTs #Blockliterature #Blockart
363 – Manual PFP #PostArtePoverism #NFTs
364 – Le dernier portrait #NFTs
365 – The end?